Mentorship is a light that reveals the invisible paths mentees will need to climb as they push into uncharted territory.

Mentees get started here 👋🏾
Begin your journey as a Frè Yo mentee by filling out our intake form below.
Help us match you with the right mentor and anonymously contribute to our community resource study.
Together, we can make a positive impact! Expect to hear from us within two weeks if we're a good fit.
We’re more than just another mentorship program.
We are a community and a network of people who share and give our time, talent, and resources to help connect young people with what they need to reach their goals. We do this by creating programming that highlights education, career, and experiential opportunities they may be interested in.
We provide monthly video check-ins for our brothers to learn about their accomplishments, goals, and what they need to reach those goals.
Finally, we provide a network that helps those brothers get the resources that they are looking for whether it is paid internships, standardized testing materials, college admissions prep, or resume assistance. We are here to help our brothers in any way we can.
Mentor? Not ready for that title yet? No problem. There are other ways to volunteer!
This is a movement. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, social media to get the word out, money to help us grow, or energy, we need you on our team.

"Feeling connected to other African Americans may help African American adolescents reject the negative perceptions of their group held by members of other racial and ethnic groups."
— J.V. Ward, "Racial Identity Formation & Transformation" (1990)

Happening Now

Ask us about our Scholarship List
This list is our curated, dynamic, and crowdsourced list to help you navigate scholarships, fellowships, grants, and more. You can filter for date, type, and amount of each opportunity.
We only ask that if you take from the list, you add to the list. See link above for more information
Interested in becoming a mentor?
We want to hear from you.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.